
Espresso Book Machine da On Demand Books na biblioteca da Universidade de Michigan

Na biblioteca da Universidade de Michigan foi instalada uma impressora de livros a pedido que pode fornecer livros digitalizados da colecção da biblioteca ou da Open Content Alliance entre outras fontes. É a primeira biblioteca a instalar uma impressora destas.

A Espresso Book Machine, da On Demand Books de Nova Iorque, produz livros encadernados de qualidade a uma média de 10 dólares o título e foi considerada pela Time Magazine como a melhor invenção de 2007.

"This is a significant moment in the history of book publishing and distribution," said Paul Courant, dean of libraries at U-M. "As a library, we're stepping beyond the limits of physical space," he said. "Now, we can produce affordable printed copies of rare and hard to find books. It's a great step toward the democratization of information, getting information to readers when and where they need it."


SAGE-Hindawi lançaram novo título em OA: Dental Biomechaniscs

"The Journal of Dental Biomechanics will provide the first peer-reviewed
forum dedicated to the study of biomechanics as it relates to dentistry.
A growing area of study, it will discuss a wide array of applications
covering the vast majority of routine dental practices. It will also
cover a significant field of research within engineering and biomedicine
in general.

The journal will focus on tissue and material biomechanics, with special
emphasis on the mechanical properties of hard and soft tissue and the
analysis of response to loading of alloys, polymer and ceramics. JDB
will be of interest to health care professionals actively involved in:
* enamel and dentin response to loading following treatment
* periodontal ligament mechanics (healthy and diseased)
* lip response to stress from dentition or dentures
* biomechanics of the TMJ
* bone loading and remodeling in orthodontics and implantology"


Professional Engineering Publishing Launches Engineering Conferences Online

"Professional Engineering Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (www.imeche.org), has launched Engineering Conferences Online (ECO), a new online publishing service for conference organizers. ECO (http://eco.pepublishing.com) provides conference organizers with a new way of disseminating important engineering research that would normally be very difficult or impossible to locate in traditional book or CD formats. Papers in ECO will usually be available free of charge on an open access basis and will be fully referenced using DOIs.

ECO has been designed specifically to meet the demands of hosting conference proceedings online. Conferences on ECO feature further information about each conference including links to the conference website, event location, and event date. For the purposes of ECO a new website architecture has been created to ensure that the service was designed specifically for conferences rather than replicating the structure of an electronic journal. ECO plans to forge new partnerships with conference organizers that will give their content a much wider readership in the future"

Reenvio de Gerry McKiernan