
Arquivos Nacionais dos Estados Unidos e Google lançam um novo projecto

Os Arquivos Nacionais dos Estados Unidos e o Google lançam projecto para tornar filmes históricos, documentários e outros filmes disponíveis ao público em geral, e em acesso livre, através do Google video (video.google.com/nara.html) e do site dos Arquivos Nacionais (www.archives.gov).


Declaração de Gottingen sobre o copyright para a Educação e Investigação (5 Julho 2004)

Esta declaração inicia com uma questão pertinente: 'How accessible are knowledge and information?' para, em seguida, afirmar a relação entre esta acessibilidade e as oportunidades de educação e desenvolvimento de cada cidadão na actual sociedade.


SPARC e Science Commons

A SPARC e a Science Commons estão a trabalhar para desenvolver a funcionalidade do "SPARC Author Addendum":

"The SPARC Author Addendum allows authors to retain critical rights, including the right of authors to post articles in online repositories. Science Commons is creating a machine-readable version of the SPARC Author Addendum that can be read by Internet search engines, as well as a text version that functions as a legal tool. The enhanced SPARC Author Addendum will be made available on the SPARC Web site (www.arl.org/sparc ) once the project is completed in early spring. The effort represents a continuation of Science Commons' effort to promote access and voluntary sharing in scientific publications. This cooperation advances three goals shared by SPARC and Science Commons: to support authors right to distribute scholarship over the Internet, to promote access and reuse of the scientific literature, and to facilitate author self-archiving".

Elsevier MDL anuncia colaboração com o NIH (EUA)

"Elsevier MDL (...) announced an agreement with the National Institute of Health (NIH) to contribute to the NIH effort to catalog information on the biological properties of small molecules in its freely available PubChem database. Elsevier MDL will enrich the growing PubChem resource for the scientific community by furnishing chemical structures from Elsevier’s xPharm® database, giving scientists with an xPharm license the ability to move from biological data in PubChem to more focused pharmacology data in xPharm that is essential to drug research".

O Directório de Revistas em Livre Acesso atingiu os 2000 títulos

"The Directory of Open Access Journals now contains 2000 open access journals: quality controlled scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available on the web. The goal of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and accessibility of open access scholarly journals, and thereby promote their usage and impact. The directory aims to comprehensively cover all open access scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system. Journals in all languages and subject areas will be included in the DOAJ. The selection criteria have been updated based on feedback from users; see http://www.doaj.org/articles/about#criteria".


BioMed Central lança uma nova revista em livre acesso

A BioMed Central lançou um novo título em livre acesso com uma nova abordagem na revisão dos manuscritos (open peer review).