

"O portal RCAAP tem como objectivo a recolha, agregação e indexação dos conteúdos científicos em acesso aberto (ou acesso livre) existentes nos repositórios institucionais das entidades nacionais de ensino superior, e outras organizações de I&D.

O portal RCAAP constitui-se como um ponto único de pesquisa, descoberta, localização e acesso a milhares de documentos de carácter científico e académico, nomeadamente artigos de revistas científicas, comunicações a conferências, teses e dissertações, distribuídos por inúmeros repositórios portugueses".

BIBL Index

"The ultimate goal of this site is to enable the identification of biblical citations of all Jewish and Christian literature of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages".


Lançamento da Europeana

O êxito do lançamento da Europeana, deixou o site temporariamente indisponível.
Para ver o vídeo de apresentação aponte para aqui.

Lançamento da "The Global Library of Women's Medicine"

Reúne material de extrema qualidade, sujeito a 'peer review'.


Direitos de autor

Mais um documento que visa esclarecer sobre os aspectos fundamentais a ter em conta na publicação de artigos científicos.


Mais um título da BioMed Central: Epigenetics & Chromatin

"Title: Epigenetics & Chromatin
Editor(s)-in-chief: Frank Grosveld, Steven Henikoff
Abbreviation: Epigenetics & Chromatin
ISSN: 1756-8935
URL: http://www.epigeneticsandchromatin.com/home

This journal aims to understand how gene and chromosomal elements are regulated and their activities maintained during cell division, differentiation and environmental alteration. Epigenetic research is concerned with heritable changes that do not change DNA sequence, but rather involve stable modifications of chromatin, DNA or protein conformation. Epigenetics is a broad area of research that is important for understanding the basic processes of cellular life, and as such has implications for a wide range of disciplines. The field encompasses studies that use model systems to discover and investigate epigenetic mechanisms, as well as studies aimed at combating diseases that involve epigenetic processes. The current articles are in their provisional PDF format, but the full-text and final PDF versions will be available shortly".

Reenvio de Peter Suber


Universidade de Glasgow reforça posição relativamente ao OA

"The University of Glasgow is proud to announce a new Publications Policy which will require authors to deposit the full text of peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings in the University's institutional repository Enlighten where publisher agreements permit this.

The University has been at the forefront of repository developments since 2002 when the internationally recognised DAEDALUS Project, funded by JISC, was founded. Glasgow is an internationally renowned research intensive University producing thousands of research publications each year. In joining major institutions and funding bodies worldwide the University recognises the importance of free and unrestricted access to scholarly literature in the furtherance of research; and the importance to researchers of maximising the impact of their research across the world.

Professor Steven Beaumont, OBE CEng FRSE Vice-Principal Research and Enterprise said 'The University of Glasgow generates over 3,000 research papers per year. Since we began to put these into Enlighten on a voluntary basis there have been over 1 million downloads. Enlighten really does help the University to showcase its research and to increase the impact of that it has on society. This new policy will make that impact even greater. I very much appreciate the support of Senate in adopting this move.'

The policy came into effect at the beginning of the 2008/2009 academic year".

[Reenvio de Peter Suber]


Prémio Nobel da Física 2008

Estão disponíveis três dos artigos que descrevem o trabalho premiado com o prémio Novel do Prof. Y. Nambu:


[Reenvio da American Physical Society, via LibLicense. --Peter Suber.]


Espresso Book Machine da On Demand Books na biblioteca da Universidade de Michigan

Na biblioteca da Universidade de Michigan foi instalada uma impressora de livros a pedido que pode fornecer livros digitalizados da colecção da biblioteca ou da Open Content Alliance entre outras fontes. É a primeira biblioteca a instalar uma impressora destas.

A Espresso Book Machine, da On Demand Books de Nova Iorque, produz livros encadernados de qualidade a uma média de 10 dólares o título e foi considerada pela Time Magazine como a melhor invenção de 2007.

"This is a significant moment in the history of book publishing and distribution," said Paul Courant, dean of libraries at U-M. "As a library, we're stepping beyond the limits of physical space," he said. "Now, we can produce affordable printed copies of rare and hard to find books. It's a great step toward the democratization of information, getting information to readers when and where they need it."


SAGE-Hindawi lançaram novo título em OA: Dental Biomechaniscs

"The Journal of Dental Biomechanics will provide the first peer-reviewed
forum dedicated to the study of biomechanics as it relates to dentistry.
A growing area of study, it will discuss a wide array of applications
covering the vast majority of routine dental practices. It will also
cover a significant field of research within engineering and biomedicine
in general.

The journal will focus on tissue and material biomechanics, with special
emphasis on the mechanical properties of hard and soft tissue and the
analysis of response to loading of alloys, polymer and ceramics. JDB
will be of interest to health care professionals actively involved in:
* enamel and dentin response to loading following treatment
* periodontal ligament mechanics (healthy and diseased)
* lip response to stress from dentition or dentures
* biomechanics of the TMJ
* bone loading and remodeling in orthodontics and implantology"


Professional Engineering Publishing Launches Engineering Conferences Online

"Professional Engineering Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (www.imeche.org), has launched Engineering Conferences Online (ECO), a new online publishing service for conference organizers. ECO (http://eco.pepublishing.com) provides conference organizers with a new way of disseminating important engineering research that would normally be very difficult or impossible to locate in traditional book or CD formats. Papers in ECO will usually be available free of charge on an open access basis and will be fully referenced using DOIs.

ECO has been designed specifically to meet the demands of hosting conference proceedings online. Conferences on ECO feature further information about each conference including links to the conference website, event location, and event date. For the purposes of ECO a new website architecture has been created to ensure that the service was designed specifically for conferences rather than replicating the structure of an electronic journal. ECO plans to forge new partnerships with conference organizers that will give their content a much wider readership in the future"

Reenvio de Gerry McKiernan


RoMEO inclui mais de 400 políticas editoriais acerca do auto-arquivo

Why is RoMEO important?
If an academic author wants to put their research articles on-line, they
are faced with an increasingly complex situation. Evidence shows that
citations to articles made openly accessible in this way are taken up
and cited more often than research that is simply published in journals.
Also some funding agencies require open access archiving for their
research, to increase the use of the information generated.

However, some publishers prohibit authors from using their own articles
in this way. Others allow it, but only under certain conditions, while
others are quite happy for authors to show their work in this way.

Authors can be left confused: RoMEO helps to clarify the situation.

What does RoMEO give users?

The RoMEO service, provided by the award winning SHERPA Partnership*,
uses a simple colour-code to classify policies and inform authors of
what can be done with their articles, and offers users the ability to:

* View summaries of publishers' copyright policies in relation to
* View if publisher policies comply with funding regulations, as
some publishers are too restrictive and cannot be used to publish funded
* To search journal and publisher information by Journal Title,
Publisher Name and ISSN

[Reenvio de Peter Suber a partir da JISC-Repositories list]



Understanding Open Access in the Academic Environment: A Guide for Authors

Um guia sobre o modo como os autores podem tornar o seu trabalho acessível aos seus pares e todos os interessados, incluindo aconselhamento sobre o copyright.


Estudo Geral

A Universidade de Coimbra inaugurou, hoje, o repositório que reunirá a sua produção científica. Organizado, à maneira de outros, em comunidades responsáveis pelos documentos incluídos nas colecções, constitui mais um pilar da ciência produzida em Portugal.


ScieCom Info

Uma revista dedicada à discussão o acesso livre à informação nos países nórdicos e do báltico. Neste número:

Open Access in Denmark
Bertil Dorch, Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard

Open Access in the Baltic countries
Meile Kretaviciene

Promoting Open Access in Finland - The OA-JES Project
Turid Hedlund, Claus Montonen

Open Access in Iceland, State-of-the-art report
Solveig Thorsteinsdottir

Open Access in Norway - Where are we and where are we going?
Jan Erik Frantsvåg

Open Access in Sweden, recent developments
Ingegerd Rabow


Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais

Está disponível em regime de acesso livre do nº 1(1978) ao nº 76(2006).


Érudit, um novo site dos recursos em linha de universidades canadianas

“Érudit is based on the pooling of resources of Quebec universities,” says Guylaine Beaudry, director of the digital publishing centre of the Université de Montréal and executive director of the Érudit consortium. “We have gathered­ in a single information system­ articles, theses, symposium proceedings, and other types of documents that can be cross-referenced together or searched separately. In addition, we were able to digitize and make available certain scholarly journals of which no university possessed the complete collection. Thanks to digital technology, we were able to reassemble these collections while increasing their dissemination.”

Reenvio de Peter Suber


Wikiworld: Political Economy and the Promise of Participatory Media

Para os autores deste novo livro, a abertura ao conhecimento para todos é fundamental.



Texas Digital Library Repository (TDL)

O repositório da TDL contém materiais de três dos seus quatro membros fundadores(Universidade do Texas em College Station, Universidade do Texas Tech em Lubbock e a Universidade do Texas em Austin).

O OJS é o software que sustenta o "Journal of Digital Information" publicado pela Universidade do Texas A&M.


Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN)

"OAPEN is a project in Open Access publishing for humanities monographs. The Open Access movement has developed rapidly in the sciences and in journal publishing. The consortium of University-based academic publishers who make up OAPEN believe that the time is ripe to fully explore the possibilities of Open Access in the humanities and social sciences".

Nova versão do CiteSeer [alpha]


Faculdade de Harvard vota a favor do acesso livre

[mensagem de Dan Hazen reenviada por Karla Hann]

"The Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, the Faculty adopts the following policy: Each Faculty member grants to the President and Fellows of Harvard College permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles. In legal terms, the permission granted by each Faculty member is a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of his or her scholarly articles, in any medium, and to authorize others to do the same, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit. The policy will apply to all scholarly articles written while the person is a member of the Faculty except for any articles completed before the adoption of this policy and any articles for which the Faculty member entered into an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the adoption of this policy. The Dean or the Dean's designate will waive application of the policy for a particular article upon written request by a Faculty member explaining the need.

"To assist the University in distributing the articles, each Faculty member will provide an electronic copy of the final version of the article at no charge to the appropriate representative of the Provost's Office in an appropriate format (such as PDF) specified by the Provost's Office. The Provost's Office may make the article available to the public in an open-access repository.

"The Office of the Dean will be responsible for interpreting this policy, resolving disputes concerning its interpretation and application, and recommending changes to the Faculty from time to time. The policy will be reviewed after three years and a report presented to the Faculty."

Adenda para a manutenção do copyright

"The SCAE is intended for authors who publish in a traditional, subscription-based journal yet still wish to make a copy of their article available on the Internet for download without most copyright and financial restrictions.

Using a simple Web form, authors choose the rights they want to retain and enter basic information like the name of the publisher and the title of the article. The Addendum Engine then generates a completed PDF copy of a one-page standard addendum allowing them to retain rights over the work that would otherwise be wholly forfeited.

The addenda each - at a minimum - enable authors to make their peer-reviewed articles available in an online repository and allow the material to be used in the author’s own works. After choosing and printing, authors simply attach the addendum to the copyright transfer agreement they submit to the publisher".


A Biblioteca Digital da Universidade de Coimbra

Publicado na Revista "Rua Larga" da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, nº 19 (2008), ps. 18-20

A Universidade de Coimbra, detentora de um vasto e rico espólio bibliográfico e documental, tem em curso a digitalização de uma parte importante dele, permitindo o acesso de todo o lado aos respectivos conteúdos. Dois projectos apoiados com fundos de Plano Operacional do Ministério da Cultura (Biblioteca Geral Digital e Biblioteca Joanina Virtual ), estão em fase de conclusão. Também as Bibliotecas da Faculdade de Direito e do Departamento de Botânica da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia iniciaram a digitalização dos seus fundos antigos. Para prosseguir o trabalho anterior e aumentar a visibilidade da Universidade na Internet, a Reitoria criou recentemente um projecto conducente à Biblioteca Digital da Universidade de Coimbra, que é numa primeira fase um trabalho de colaboração entre as Bibliotecas Geral, da Faculdade de Direito e da Faculdade de Letras gerido pelo Serviço Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de Coimbra. Numa segunda fase do projecto haverá inclusão de bibliografia de outros sectores da Universidade.

O objectivo do projecto Biblioteca Geral Digital era a digitalização, tratamento técnico e afixação de cerca de 58.800 imagens, deixando ainda cerca de 50.000 imagens para afixar na Internet em fase pós-projecto (perfazendo o total de cerca de 600 obras). Não se tratava apenas de criar uma biblioteca digital, mas também de criar “know how” na área, criando as rotinas necessárias para o desenvolvimento de uma biblioteca virtual. Foi adquirido equipamento de preservação digital, constituído por um conjunto servidores que asseguram adequada manutenção das imagens. A Biblioteca Geral proporcionou a realização de acções de formação, que foram frequentadas por técnicos superiores da equipa do projecto e por funcionários de outras bibliotecas.

A parte mais inovadora do projecto é a criação de uma plataforma que permita a pesquisa dos Catálogos de Manuscritos e de Miscelâneas da Biblioteca Geral. Para isso, os catálogos impressos foram submetidos a um processo de reconhecimento óptico de caracteres, que foi enriquecido por duas operações: a etiquetagem manual de autores, títulos, datas, locais, etc. e a sua indexação automática. Isso vai permitir a pesquisa no texto dos catálogos não só por palavras-chave (como no Google) mas também por cada um dos elementos indicados. Trata-se de um trabalho inovador a nível nacional que, além do mais, está bem articulado com o sistema Millennium que serve todas as bibliotecas da Universidade de Coimbra.

Por outro lado, está a terminar a construção da Biblioteca Joanina Virtual, que visa criar um sítio e um DVD com um ambiente virtual daquela biblioteca, enriquecendo a candidatura em curso da Universidade a Património Mundial da Humanidade. Esse instrumento permitirá uma melhor divulgação de um local simbólico do Paço das Escolas e do extraordinário património que ele alberga. O sítio e o DVD proporcionarão a visualização integral de 21 obras das mais raras da Biblioteca Geral, o que implicou a digitalização e tratamento de 9507 imagens. Foram produzidas mais 17.852 imagens para integrar numa fase pós-projecto.

As obras escolhidas no conjunto dos dois projectos foram os incunábulos que não existiam em mais nenhuma biblioteca portuguesa (123 obras), toda a tipografia coimbrã do século XVI (108 obras) e parte da do século XVII (24 obras), impressos musicais (50 obras), alguns álbuns de Piranesi, todos os códices iluminados, as plantas pombalinas e a maioria dos manuscritos científicos, alguns literários e alguns musicais. Entre as publicações periódicas, sobretudo jornais antigos de Coimbra, estão 47 títulos completos. Exemplos de documentos digitalizados são várias bíblias latinas do século XIII manuscritas, a Bíblia de Abravanel (bíblia hebraica do século XV), a “Nova Astronomia…” de Cristóvão Borri, a “Discrittione et historia de l' Isole Canarie...” (um manuscrito ilustrado) de Leonardo Torriani, a “Carta portulano” de Diogo Homem (carta do século XVI) e ainda algumas primeiras edições que são marcos da cultura portuguesa: a “Peregrinação” (1614), o “Só” (1892), a “Mensagem” (1934), etc. A estes recursos digitais acrescem outros, que tinham sido produzidos antes (como a edição original de “Os Lusíadas”) e que foram unidas num quadro comum. Os dois projectos guiaram-se sempre pelo princípio da boa colaboração institucional, nomeadamente com a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, não repetindo obras já digitalizadas.

Está a decorrer o concurso da Biblioteca Digital da Universidade de Coimbra, que permitirá, além da aquisição de equipamento adicional, adicionar a curto prazo aos resultados dos dois projectos referidos mais 120 000 imagens. A sinergia entre várias bibliotecas, que é possível mediante a estreita cooperação entre os bibliotecários envolvidos, permitirá economizar recursos e apresentar resultados de um modo padronizado.

Ver http://web.bg.uc.pt/BibliotecaDigital

Carlos Fiolhais (Director da Biblioteca Geral e do Serviço Integrado de Bibliotecas
da Universidade de Coimbra)



Posição da European University Association (EUA)

[Resumo de Peter Suber]

As universidades europeias devem:
  1. launch OAI-compliant institutional repositories (A2)
  2. adopt OA mandates for their research output (A3)
  3. educate faculty about copyright and encourage the removal of permission barriers at least for users in the author's institution (A4)
  4. consider paying publication fees for faculty who publish in fee-based OA journals (A5)
  5. work with public funding agencies with OA mandates to encourage deposit in institutional repositories (B1)
  6. educate university rectors about the importance of OA (B2)
  7. support OA mandates for publicly-funded research in the EU (C1)
  • The EUA represents 791 universities in 46 countries throughout Europe. These unanimous recommendations should carry great weight with this wide range of institutions.
  • The recommendations are not EU-specific and should also carry weight with universities and university associations worldwide. While many university associations have already made public statements in support of OA, I hope they will take note of these strong recommendations, and the strong support for them, and use this opportunity to tighten and reiterate their own support for OA and their own specific recommendations to members.
  • Note how the EUA recommendations dovetail with the recent signs that rectors and provosts are organizing (in South America, Europe, Finland, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, and the US) to promote OA mandates at universities and public funding agencies.


Base de dados de imagens radiológicas

A BioMed Central contribuiu com mais de 170 títulos para esta base de dados, o que permitu adicionar mais de 4.200 imagens à colecção da GoldMiner(tm): mais de 170.000 imagens de cerca de 225 títulos.


Science in School


Títulos em OA publicados pela Bentham Science Publishers

The Open Acoustics Journal
The Open Addiction Journal
The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal
The Open Aging Journal
The Open Agriculture Journal
The Open AIDS Journal
The Open Allergy Journal
The Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
The Open Anesthesiology Journal
The Open Anthropology Journal
The Open Applied Informatics Journal
The Open Applied Linguistics Journal
The Open Applied Mathematics Journal
The Open Applied Physics Journal
The Open Area Studies Journal
The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal
The Open Astronomy Journal
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal
The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal
The Open Behavioral Science Journal
The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal
The Open Biochemistry Journal
The Open Bioinformatics Journal
The Open Biology Journal
The Open Biomarkers Journal
The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal
The Open Biotechnology Journal
The Open Business Journal
The Open Cancer Journal
The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal
The Open Cell & Developmental Biology Journal
The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal
The Open Chemical Engineering Journal
The Open Chemical Physics Journal
The Open Civil Engineering Journal
The Open Clinical Cancer Journal
The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal
The Open Communication Journal
The Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal
The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal
The Open Conservation Biology Journal
The Open Critical Care Medicine Journal
The Open Crystallography Journal
The Open Criminology Journal
Current Chemical Genomics
The Open Current Process Chemistry Journal
The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal
The Open Demography Journal
The Open Dentistry Journal
The Open Dermatology Journal
The Open Drug Metabolism Journal
The Open Drug Delivery Journal
The Open Ecology Journal
The Open Economics Journal
The Open Education Journal
The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal
Journal of Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology
The Open Energy and Fuels Journal
The Open Endocrinology Journal
The Open Entomology Journal
The Open Environmental Journal
The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal
The Open Environmental Engineering Journal
The Open Enzyme Inhibition Journal
The Open Ergonomics Journal
The Open Evolution Journal
The Open Epidemiology Journal
The Open Ethics Journal
The Open Family Studies Journal
The Open Fish Science Journal
The Open Forensic Science Journal
The Open Forest Science Journal
The Open Food Science Journal
The Open Gastroenterology Journal
The Open General & Internal Medicine Journal
The Open Gene Therapy Journal
The Open Genomics Journal
The Open Geography Journal
The Open Geology Journal
The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal
Open Glycoscience
The Open Health Services and Policy Journal
The Open Hematology Journal
The Open Horticulture Journal
The Open Hydrology Journal
The Open Immunology Journal
The Open Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Journal
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal
The Open Inflammation Journal
The Open Information Systems Journal
The Open Information Science Journal
The Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal

The Open law Journal
The Open Macromolecules Journal
The Open Management Journal
The Open Marine Biology Journal
The Open Materials Science Journal
The Open Mathematics Journal
The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal
The Open Mechanics Journal
The Open Medical Informatics Journal
The Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal
The Open Medical Imaging Journal
The Open Magnetic Resonance Journal
The Open Microbiology Journal
The Open Mineral Processing Journal
The Open Mineralogy Journal
The Open Mycology Journal
The Open Nanoscience Journal
The Open Natural Products Journal
The Open Neurology Journal
The Open Neuroimaging Journal
The Open Neuroscience Journal
The Open Nitric Oxide Journal
The Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal
The Open Nursing Journal
The Open Nutrition Journal
The Open Ocean Engineering Journal
The Open Oceanography Journal
The Open Operational Research Journal
The Open Ophthalmology Journal
The Open Optics Journal
The Open Organic Chemistry Journal
The Open Ornithology Journal
The Open Orthopaedics Journal
The Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal
The Open Paleontology Journal
The Open Parasitology Journal
The Open Pathology Journal
The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal
The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal
The Open Pharmacology Journal
The Open Physiology Journal
The Open Physical Chemistry Journal
The Open Plant Science Journal
The Open Political Science Journal
The Open Proteomics Journal
The Open Psychiatry Journal
The Open Psychology Journal
The Open Public Health Journal
The Open Rehabilitation Journal
The Open Reproductive Science Journal
The Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
The Open Rheumatology Journal
The Open Sleep Journal
The Open Social Science Journal
The Open Sociology Journal
The Open Software Engineering Journal
The Open Spectroscopy Journal
The Open Sports Medicine Journal
The Open Sports Sciences Journal
The Open Structural Biology Journal
The Open Surgery Journal
The Open Thermodynamics Journal
The Open Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Journal
The Open Toxicology Journal
The Open Transportation Journal
The Open Tropical Medicine Journal
The Open Transplantation Journal
The Open Urban Studies Journal
The Open Urology & Nephrology Journal
The Open Vaccine Journal
The Open Veterinary Science Journal
The Open Virology Journal
The Open Women's Health Journal
The Open Zoology Journal